Hekiganroku - Case 2: Joshu's "Supreme Way" Joshu, instructing the assembly, said, "The supreme Way is not difficult; it simply dislikes choosing [1]. But even if a word is uttered, it is already an action of 'choosing' or of adhering to 'clarity'. This old monk [2] doesn't dwell in clarity. Do you monks want to keep a firm hold on 'clarity' or not?" At that time a monk asked, "You say you do not dwell in clarity. If so, what is there to keep a firm hold on?" Joshu said, "I don't know, either." The monk said, "If you, Master, don't know, why do you say that you don't dwell in clarity?" Joshu said, "You have already asked amply. Bow and withdraw." [1]: Cf. the beginning of the Shinjinmei (Believing in the Mind; Poem composed by the third Patriarch Sosan): "The supremet Way is not difficult; it simply dislikes choosing. Only if there is no love or hatred, all is complete clarity." [2]: "this old monk" i.e. "I"